Attitude and skills are vital to getting and staying in employability as these are the bases to your work and how good you are at your work.I will now explain what attitudes and skills are sought from employers for new and existing employees.
An attitude is a way of thinking and feeling. An attitude is usually portrayed through their actions and behaviours.
Positive attitudes will usually make the work produced by this individual to a higher standard and quality.
An attributes is a quality or feature characteristic of an individual. These will make an individual more employable and independent.
Through this piece of writing i will explain what Rainbow will want in terms of quality in the workplace from a potential volunteer to work with the Rainbow staff.
Specific attributes
Job related attributes can be very specific to a job for instance a computing job may be specific to networking in a job.So the network administrator will need to know the functions of the networking software and hardware.
General attributes
Team working

In nearly every job available you will have to work with a team especially in Rainbow light. This will involve communication, trust and doing what is asked of you. If the volunteer is successful at working well with a team, the volunteer will have your workload done quicker , to a higher standard and overall have a more enjoyable working experience.
An example of this will be 2 employees finishing up on completing the audio books on the Cd's within a certain amount of time.This will require both of the employees to work together on the software and hardware. To demonstrate that you have this attribute you may give an example of a time you have used this attribute or have a reference.
Interactions with key members of the team such as the manager or supervisor is vital as communication is key to keep a companies function keep going.
Interactions with key members of the team such as the manager or supervisor is vital as communication is key to keep a companies function keep going.
Technical skills
A Rainbow employee will need to demonstrate that they have knowledge in the technical field. This will include how to use a computer on the basics such as file navigation ,storage , how to read Cd's and to use software such as audacity to record audio books and label making software.

In Rainbow this will especially be important as one of the main jobs of rainbows employees will be to make audio book Cd's. This will involve being be confident, persistent and outspoken on your work. A way to show that you have this skill is to first of all be confident, well spoken and clear once speaking to your interviewer at the job interview, give an example, have a reference and have education in this specific area such as I.C.T A levels.
I.C.T jobs also require skills on how to use specific software and hardware especially in Rainbow where software such as Windows Media Player will be used to burn audio books onto Cd's and use word processing programs such as Microsoft Word.

Independence is a key for a rainbow volunteer as an employee will be asked to do objectives by themselves. Therefore tasks will need to be carried out without constant supervision. This will allow other employees to focus more on other tasks. To show you have this attitude you can demonstrate to your interviewer, give an example and have a reference explaining how you have independence. If you are not independent you may suffer and struggle with work and tasks that is given to just you inside and outside of work and therefore your team may see little use of your employabity within that company.
Confidence is also a key trait for an employee to have as they can express what they feel could improve upon a company to potentially make it better working enviorment for you and your fellow team members to work in. Confidence will also help make your work better as you will also write what you want to write and also it will help you once creating audio books for Rainbow.
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